Queen Caroline Affair

Event: Queen Caroline Affair 

Date: June 1820

Key individuals: 

Queen Caroline
Prince Regent 

"Go back to Italy or I will call in the big guns,
you Brunswick B**CH!"

What was it?

·     5th June 1820 Queen Caroline returned from living in Italy for the past 6 years and demanded her crown 
·     George IV was determined to divorce his estranged wife, Caroline of Brunswick, so he made the HOL to make laws that would annul the royal marriage 

Why did it contribute to the social unrest?

·     Public sympathised with Caroline 
·     If the Public disliked the king it posed an issue for the government as it brings up the issue with the constitutional monarchy and made the public have less faith in the crown 

·     In turn the affaire placed a buck tonne of pressure on Lord Liverpool


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